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Beefs & Bouquets, June 19

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail
Beef to my so-called co-worker friends for making fun of my much-larger-than-average-sized hands. Just because my frying pans could crush your frail little fingers doesn’t give you the right to bully me.

BOUQUET I’d like to thank staff at the Tim Hortons on Northfield for their friendly smiles and great attitude. You may not know it, but it does make a difference. We want these people to have a good day too.

BEEF To Scotch broom, a nasty, invasive rascal, trying to fool us with all those pretty little yellow flowers. We all need to step up and cut down broom so that it can no longer invade our forests, fields, yards and boulevards.

BOUQUET To Walker’s Saw Shop. You fine folks are the last word for service, repairs, knowledge, honesty and availability. Thanks again for being open on Saturdays.

BEEF For the rent increase letters dated May 1 but put on our doors May 24 for June 1 rent. Mine went up over $200. A week’s notice is unacceptable.

BOUQUET To the kind young man who appeared to be experiencing homelessness who rescued me when I fell on Labieux Road. My knees are severely arthritic and there’s no way I could get up. The street was almost deserted as nothing was open. The man headed down that way and came back with a helper. They had me up in no time. Very grateful to both of you.

BEEF To the fast food restaurant that claims it has brought back a menu item from the past. Don’t waste your money. The bun is totally not the same as it’s not toasted on the outside and is very bready. The cheese is wrong. How they can say they’ve brought it back is beyond comprehension.

BOUQUET To the most diligent, friendly and awesome Rogers/Shaw employee, Samuel. My internet access went down and he came to install a new modem. Of course, Murphy’s law happened, an hour after it was fixed it went down again. After a few frustrating hours on the phone with tech staff, he was sent back to help me. After finding that the new equipment doesn’t communicate with my ‘dinosaur’ laptop, he went out of his way to find a fix. Cannot thank him enough.

BEEF To my so-called co-worker friends for making fun of my much-larger-than-average-sized hands. Just because my frying pans could crush your frail little fingers doesn’t give you the right to bully me.

BOUQUET To all those who can look up and see the truth right in front of their eyes. Don’t listen to those who tease you when you use common sense and do your own thinking. A healthy society has people who do their own research and gather information themselves so they are made aware of the things going on around them and can make up their own minds about it, not just get spoon fed what is carefully told to us.

BEEF To politicians who offer ‘rebates’ and the like in years with elections. Let’s call it what it is, vote buying. Pretty sure that’s the same thing as bribing.

BOUQUET To the produce department staff at Thrifty Foods on Turner Road. I went in to pick up a few items and just stood and admired the truly beautiful arrangement of all the produce. Rather than just stuffing things on shelves, it is obvious that someone had taken great care. How much nicer than standing around beefing about the price of food (as I have been known to do at times). Thank you for your care and attention.

BEEF To the hydrogen facility coming to Nanaimo. Not a single word concerning the water used to produce hydrogen. What is the company doing to address that issue and how much money will they pay to suck our resource? I can’t even water my lawn or wash my car unrestrained. What gives?

BOUQUET To Dr. Petricca and staff for the wonderful care I received with my recent dental work, they truly care about their patients. Many thanks.

BEEF To our mayor and council for allowing the dangerous, dilapidated, abandoned building on Haliburton Street. This dangerous building would have been torn down 30 years ago if it was standing in the north end. We pay taxes in the south end too.

BOUQUET To Douglas K. of Sensory Wellness for taking a different approach to massage therapy. Amazing results.

BEEF To the coffee shop whose recent renovations included eliminating all indoor seating, all patio seating and also not allowing access to the washroom facilities. What were you thinking?

BOUQUET Cheers to Denis and Deanne V., my landlords, and two of the finest people you could ever meet. I am so fortunate to be one of their tenants and neighbours.

BEEF To the hospital employees parking in front of our houses, driveways and garages. Another huge beef for throwing your lunch garbage on our front lawns. I understand it costs to park elsewhere, but it costs you a lot more when I have to get you towed so I can get out of my driveway.

BOUQUET Many beefs and bouquets are now 65 words. We often need the extra room to properly express our point and feelings. Very adaptable of you.

BEEF With all the road improvements going on, this might be a good time for drivers to learn how to merge. I’m constantly seeing drivers sitting in a single line of traffic blocks before the roadworks. The correct procedure is to merge where the pylons force you to do so not miles before. It’s just common sense.

BOUQUET Gratitude to B.C. Hydro for our new electrical pole in front of our condo. The old pole was over 20 years old and it was time to give it a rest.

BEEF It seems like those who switched to battery-powered garden tools to help the environment are getting ripped off. A few years ago I bought to a battery electric lawn mower. Now I need to replace the battery and it’s going to cost $198. As soon as you are locked into owning a specific brand, that company is able to hold you hostage when you need replacement batteries. Consumers need protection from this scam.

BOUQUET to Ladysmith Baseball Association volunteers. A special thanks to Carleigh L. and Lanie O. for making photo day such a success.

BEEF To the over-large pickups that are ruining our town. They speed through school zones, run us over, take over four stalls at the grocery store. When will we finally legislate these work trucks and save our community?

BOUQUET To Dawn of B1tch Barn Creations for offering craft workshops. My friend and I enjoyed making a ‘welcome’ sign. It was so much fun and she was so patient. We will be going back for more.

BEEF To TV programs. Growing up, TV shows had a few commercial breaks. Now we have commercials with a few show breaks.

BOUQUET To the kind and thoughtful person who handed in my dropped MasterCard to Co-op staff at Cranberry. I had arrived there after a two-hour drive, travelling for a specialist appointment, and didn’t notice the loss of my card. When I discovered it was missing, I retraced my steps, hoping. Wow. You saved me much pain and inconvenience. Thank you so much. Nanaimo folk are the best.

BEEF To Trudeau and the federal government. The election for 2025 has been moved back two days to allow a number of MPs who will reach their anniversary date to collect their pensions in case they lose.

BOUQUET Appreciation to the kind man who was going to the Occidental Hotel who spoke to me and offered to give me a ride back to my car at the end of the Pride parade. He could see I was tired and hot after the long walk. A true gentleman.

BEEF to the e-bikes. From what I have observed to date the e-bike program seems to be nothing more that some new civic art. Every time I drive by one they are full. I have not looked closely at the security system for these units but I am sure it is only a matter of time that they will be ripped off and sold off.

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for refreshing the welcome signs at either end of the city. The white masts with the sky blue and navy waves motif look great and now perfectly match the logos on city vehicles.

BEEF To the beefer about the café that does not allow phones or computers in their store. Sounds like an oasis in the high-tech desert. Where is this place? I want to go.

BOUQUET To residents and neighbours in the apartment building who have the awareness that voices echo in the hallways, near the elevator and across the parking lot and adjust their volume accordingly.

BEEF To the NDP government. Sending me a $110 ICBC rebate won’t buy my vote, but nice try.

BOUQUET To Camp Qwanoes for hosting an amazing open house. Thrilling ziplines, obstacle courses, and aquapark to keep the whole family entertained all day. However, the best part was how welcoming and friendly all the staff and volunteers were to us. So many smiles and so much kindness in one place; truly special.

BEEF Our school board, even those who proclaim to champion LGBTQ rights, have done nothing to reinstate a SOGI committee. It has never been more important to protect against this kind of hate.

BOUQUET To the Wellington Medical Clinic for having comfortable chairs in their waiting area. It makes a big difference, thank you.

BEEF To those who think it’s OK to tease and bully others for thinking for themselves. The bigger question is why do you look down on critical thinking so much and accept what you are told without question?

BOUQUET A huge thanks to the doctors and staff at Birch Unit at B.C. Cancer in Victoria. And also to the doctors and staff at Royal Jubilee Hospital. Every single last one of you are precious and do amazing work.

BEEF To the person criticizing the person beefing about people not stopping to allow a person to finish backing out of a parking space. Technically it may be correct that the person backing out must yield to someone in the driving lane. But ever heard of common courtesy? Is it too much to ask to delay for a few seconds so the person can finish backing out?

BOUQUET To the geocachers who were picking up trash along Maughan Road. Thank you.

BEEF What have we gained by placing cement curbed islands at the Nicol Street intersection? It seems to me we’ve lost lane space, a lot of money and caused a delay in the completion of work at this intersection.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

About the Author: Nanaimo Bulletin News Staff

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